As-tu Mange is a luxury and responsible fashion brand that feeds people in need for every item sold and we give you, our customers the option to choose who you want to feed for every item you purchase. 


The founder, Kevin Patrick came across an article of a gentleman in India who gave up his well-paid job working in a 5* hotel as a catering manager to feed the homeless people of India with his own money. The reason why the gentlemen gave up his job was that one day whilst he was driving back home and waiting in the heavy traffic, he saw a homeless person eating his own excretion due to extreme poverty. After seeing this horrific image the gentleman was not able to sleep or live with himself especially working in an industry where a huge amount of food is wasted. This inspired the gentleman to quit his job, sell his assets and use the money to feed and take care of people homeless people in his community.

This saddening but uplifting story gave Kevin the inspiration and drive to create As-tu Mangé and since officially launching in September 2020 we've provided well over 5000 meals in 9 countries. Our aim is to provide 1M+ meals by 2025 and to make #FEEDWITHFASHION a lifestyle and not just a trend.  

We currently work with 4 charities who we donate money to in order to feed people in need:

Brixton Soup Kitchen

Akshay Patra Foundation

Penny Appeal

Action Against Hunger

Our vision is to start and operate our own soup kitchens around the world which will provide employment opportunities in addition to being able to feeding more people in need for the same number of items sold. 

If you have any questions, comments or feedback feel free to get in touch. We would love to hear from you.